WIP prog 2
WIP once frozen
I haven’t been painting on any regular basis since sometime last fall. A concussion and other health problem got in the way. But slowly I am coming back from netherworld. This still life of 4 2023 apples and a brick from the foundation of the house that once stood on my property. Sort of incongruous subject matter but fun to paint. I can’t paint for long sessions. Maybe 4 hours a day of less. It’s about half way there where-ever there is. I’ll update this post with progress.
Johan, Judith and myself have also started painting from live models again. What a joy. We stopped abruptly in April 2020. Can you guess why? It has taken us this long because finding models out here in the hinterlands has been more difficult the before the pandemic
The thing I hate the most about painting is cleaning brushes. That hasn’t changed