From left to right:
Red Violet, Violet, Blue Violet, Blue Dual Primary ( Outremer, Cobalt ). Blue Green, Green, Yellow Green, Yellow Dual Primary ( Primary Lemon, Cadmium ), Yellow Orange. Orange, Red Orange, and Red Dual Primary ( Alizarin Crimson and Cad Red Deep).
The weekly figure painting group broke up a week before lockdown. Needless to say there was a lot of anxiety about what was happening. I was trying to finish my boat. I couldn’t by paper goods. My wife’s office shut down and she moved her work home. I was shocked by the severity and swiftness of events. Finishing the boat was hard. Finding even nuts and bolts was difficult. It’s done and is a great boat. I finished it last week. Now it’s time to get back to painting.
Boat build by Dr Paul Diamond and Jim Kingston