This weekend I attended Peter Fiore's 3 day painting workshop. I have been doing this over the past few years. My paintings have improved. I can thank Peter, Judith Reeve and Johan Sellenraad equally for any improvement. You just can't do it alone.
Peter's workshop is geared to those of us who like to work find paintings in photos. This weekend I looked for paintings in three or four paintings and found 2. The process is simple and in the tradition of inkspotting an image the I learned from Norman Baer out of the Brandywyne illustration tradition. Make some rectangles and with a big brush make some abstracts from the photo.. Work a selection up to a rough. Maybe you found a painting. Not a photograph. Sometimes its close to the photo mostly only influenced by it.
Here are the 2 potential painting I found this weekend. These will be painted or at least attempted over the next couple of months.
Looking back east
Rock tumble