The Ritz Theater
On Sunday The Upper Delaware Outdoor Painting Society meets at various spots around Wayne County, PA and Sullivan County, New York. This week we, really me, because it's summertime and everyone is busy having fun. Well so was I. After a nice lunch at the Boat House on the lake I heading for the little boro of Hawley. Sat in the shade and did a little sketching. First was the old feed and grain A sturdy old brick structure left over from when this was a more prosperous region. I've also wanted to sketch this place now I have. The awning over the loading dock and one of the upper floor windows are in some serious disrepair but otherwise it appears solid. A point in time.
Around the corner is The Ritz Theater. A very nice, although a bit moldy, old theater and movie house. No more movies here but local production are offered year 'round. I focused on the Marquee. A hodge lodge of motifs and styles. The box office beckons the lure of JuJuBes.