Funny how things work out
Digital Waterlouge
The above image is a digital watercolor converted from the image below. It was done on my 1Phone 6s Plus using a .99 app called Waterlogue.
The image below is a photo composite of 9 self portraits the I've done over the past 45 years in various mediums. The individual images are at the bottom of the post. I scaled and lined up the images on the eyes and blended them together. The impetus for this was a call for a Delaware Valley Arts Alliance online gallery show called Alterd Ego.
The question here, is the art. I think so. It's art whose value certainly isn't equivalent with 'real' watercolor or oil paintings. Hand done digital art is certainly art with the same of similar value but what about this type of image conversion? I have mastered several apps and have learned that what to feed them to achieve good results. Sort of the same as brush and palette control in painting. I'm still just astonished that someone has spend the time and energy to understand what makes watercolor work. And then has the coding chops to make it into an app. For 99 cents.
These self portraits were done in pencil, acrylics, oils, airbrush, watercolor and pen and ink.