1973 Beacon Hill, Boston
This week i decided to retire my charcoals and pastels for a while in favor of the brush. I've been trying to figure out how to make my life drawings more expressive and at the same time begin to add color. It's been a very long time sine I painted from life. In fact the painting is hanging in my studio. 1973.
That was awhile ago.
A goal of mine since i started drawing from life again was to be more natural in gesture. To have a more immediate feel to the markings. I believe that drawing is a physical activity. You probably don't burn many calories at it but it take all the body to express the moment.
By working with simple cheap materials, canvas paper, laid finish printing paper, bristle bond and painting with a limited color set of oil paints Ive opened up my drawing style. There's something about the brush. Standing. the speed that it offers. It's a great tool. This is a great exercise for developing brush control and technique.
Milanville PA
So, here are a few pieces I did this week painting at Johan Sellenraad's studio and Ianni's studio. I have to thank that them and the other artists in the groups for letting me struggle to this point. Don't let me forget the models.
Milanville PA
Milanville PA
Honesdale PA
Honesdale PA