Why am I doing this blog? It may be a convenient place to show the progress of works in progress. Also the occasional tutorial or how I do certain thing. Helpful links. A place for me to rank about whatever I might want to rant about.
We just returned from a little vacation trip to Maine. Here I am Pemaquid Point in Maine. Maine is a paradise of of filtered light. This shot was taken on an I phone at magic light time.
Theres a lots of art and artists there. Many galleries featuring some really great painters, American realist painters, great commercial painters, and great plain air painters. Lots of cliched stuff but hey I'm kind of a cliche painter myself.
I like boats as you might have decided looking at my galleries. I got a lot of excellent photos that I'll be developing into painting over the coming months.
Pemaquid Point, Maine August 27, 2013