Saying goodbye to The Red Barn.

Another of my little creations has found a new home. soon he will be in a dark box rumbling done route 81 in the back of a brown UPS truck on the way to the collector. I'll miss you Red Barn.

This was the first oil I did in my new studio a couple of years ago. We had just finished building the house and the studio was piled with stuff. I slowly carved a space and a path, set up my old easel and painted the scene of my little red tractor barn. The barn still stands though it racking seriously and the roof took a big beating last winter. This fall I'll shore up the roof and support the racking. But I'm afford it's about time to build a new tractor barn. It would cost more to repair than to build a new bigger one. I used the interior of the barn for my recent painting The Barn Clock.